Thursday, January 21, 2010


I haven't posted in quite a while. We all got the 24 hour tummy bugs and it lasted 1 1/2 weeks so I am still trying to find my house after that. I was going to start school next week but rescheduled it for 2/01/10. That is the glorious part of on-line school at Rio Salado College.

I am just in the maintenance mode of everything right now. I am still making things homemade but just doing it one thing a day. It seems to be keeping up with all the eaters at my house. We have done some re-arranging or also known as" re-deranging"if you ask Annie. what it is called!

We ended up moving our computer into our bedroom. Since that was the only place that was quiet in the whole house. Forrest is finishing up his Chinese classes so by the summer he will have his bachelor's degree. Hurray! Me on the other will be a while. But at least the college students will have a quiet place to work and study.

Other than that nothing else is happening around here. Today Mathew got a reading award for being able to read 90 words in a minute. So he is on cloud 9 since he got the award. Today and until Saturday there is rain in the forecast. I feel bad for the dog. She is so freaked out because of water....she won't even pee in the rain. So I just pray that there will be small breaks so she doesn't have to hold it in pain. That and I don't want to clean up a mess.
That's all for now...Hope you all have a great weekend! I will post more on Monday. Forrest and I order 38lbs of pickling cucumbers so we are making pickles this weekend. We will see how it goes!
